Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 15:55 on 23 Aug 2005
On 23 Aug 2005, at 15:50, Simon Wistow wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 03:34:28PM +0100, Nigel Rantor said:
>> I still need some anecdotes for the cooking of the meaty-meat  
>> though...I
>> have a griddle pan that has served me well in the past, so I'm  
>> looking
>> for tips on what to buy and how to cook.
> The advice I've heard is - for an average thickness steak cook for 2
> minutes on the first side then flip until beads of juice appear on the
> upper side. Then remove and rest for a minute.

What is "average" though? I like big thick (2 inch thick) steaks  
sometimes, but a minute steak can be just as nice, cooked for 30  
seconds a side!


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