Re: [] Chocolate cake recipe?

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From: Tony Kennick
Subject: Re: [] Chocolate cake recipe?
Date: 10:38 on 23 Sep 2005
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 09:48:58AM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Rev Simon Rumble:

> Hi folks.
> Tomorrow night I'm having some people around for dinner.  Turns out
> it's one of the guests' birthday, so I want to bake a cake. 
> Previously I've done this _excellent_ cake from Nigella:
> But looking through the Kitchen Goddess book last night, I didn't find
> anything that much grabbed my fancy.  So I'm wondering if anyone has
> any suggestions?  I have two blocks of Green & Blacks dark in my
> cupboard, waiting to be used.
> Doesn't need to be a traditional "cake" per se, just needs to be able
> to have candles put on it.  I think I prefer the luscious, moist end of
> "cake" to the more "cakey" stuff, but I'm open to trying anything
> that comes well recommended.

Reading "luscious, moist end of 'cake'" and Green & Blacks dark made my
mind jump to Black Forest Gateau.

Some of the recipes I have seen for supposedly genuine schwartzwalder
kirschtorte have been complex and time consuming, saw James Martin doing
this on on UKTVFoodporn and it didn't seem as bad as most.

Can be made even simpler by doing something less 'artistic' with the
chocolate covering.

        Tony Kennick
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