Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese
Date: 10:05 on 29 Sep 2005
On 29/9/2005, "KAY WISTOW A15" <KAY.WISTOW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx>

>Browsed the site and under recipes of the month found the following, which
>I thought sounded interesting and worthy of a mention

The one that got my attention was this:
Cocido Michoacano (Beans with Sweetcorn and Pumpkin)

Which I think I shall make tonight...

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:22 on 15 Oct 2005 by mariachi 0.41