Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese
Date: 09:13 on 29 Sep 2005
On 29 Sep 2005, at 09:56, KAY WISTOW A15 wrote:

> Fennel Risotto with Dry White Wine and Garlic

the reason i'll never be a truly great cook, is that i look at that
dish and instantly think ... if i just add mushrooms that would be
really nice, oh and maybe a bit of cream.

the problem is that with every dish that makes me think of cream, and
risotto always makes me think cream, i think the same thing, 'you
know that would be nicer with mushrooms and cream', you name it, e.g.
a chicken and pasta dish - same thing.

its the same with any tomato based dish, i always think, hmmm maybe
some more garlic and chilli would make this nicer ;-)


There's stuff above here

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