Re: [] Jars

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From: Tony Kennick
Subject: Re: [] Jars
Date: 15:12 on 17 Oct 2005
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 03:02:07PM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Simon Wistow:

> On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 07:26:56PM +0000, Tony Kennick said:
> > 
> > What sort of preserving jars does everyone recommend?
> I rewash old jam and pickle jars. Sometimes if I'm not feeling lazy I 
> put circles of greasproof paper on top.
> This probably condemns me to some sort of foody hell.

I do have some old jam and other things jars which I will re-use
probably with the paper with a wax side. I am however doing quite a
large batch of mince meat which will be used for presents and swaps for
other goodies so I will definitly need to buy some.

        Tony Kennick
        Digital Prints:

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