Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 19:29 on 23 Nov 2005
On 23/11/05 05:54 -0800, candace wrote:
> yes, i grew up with it, and the key words here are "Jimmy Dean".
> the trick is lots of black pepper.  lots. get some "maple" syrup and 
> make pancakes and scrambled eggs to go with it. mmmm mm.

This underscores a weird difference between American and
British "cuisines" (and given we're talking about the kind of
breakfast crap which makes you gloriously fat, I use the word
reservedly but affectionately).

Anyway, there's a core subconscious part of me which can't quite
reconcile itself to the "sweet stuff on savoury dishes" thing which
Americans seem to take as a matter of course. And it's not just me - a
quick survey of fellow expat Brits confirms that we're all equally
weirded out.

Sausage with maple syrup... Steak served with potatoes and, er, fruit
salad right there on the plate...

I was brought up always eating meals which were "savoury main course,
followed by sweet stuff". I just can't bring myself to alternate
mouthfuls of steak with pieces of melon and grapes.

There's stuff above here

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