Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 10:08 on 24 Nov 2005
On 24/11/2005, "Simon Batistoni" <> wrote:

>I was brought up always eating meals which were "savoury main course,
>followed by sweet stuff". I just can't bring myself to alternate
>mouthfuls of steak with pieces of melon and grapes.

Tend to agree, but have you ever had one of those melon and prosciutto
salads?  Surprisingly tasty.

What's more, most fruits taste more intense with salt.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:02 on 25 Nov 2005 by mariachi 0.41