Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 12:22 on 24 Nov 2005
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Simon Batistoni wrote:

> Anyway, there's a core subconscious part of me which can't quite
> reconcile itself to the "sweet stuff on savoury dishes" thing which
> Americans seem to take as a matter of course. And it's not just me - a
> quick survey of fellow expat Brits confirms that we're all equally
> weirded out.

americans are weirded out by having BEANS with breakfast. or on toast. or 
on baked potatoes.  it is exceptionally bizarre at breakfast and i just 
recently came around to the idea.  that whole fried tomato thing is still 
not on, though.

weird is in the eye of the beholder.

anyway, baked beans in the states are disgusting since they make them 
sweet with "brown sugar" (probably corn syrup more like).  i think 
americans look for an excuse to chuck sugar in anything. pork products in 
particular are begging to be drowned in sugary goodness, cue honey baked 
ham and the maple flavour of jimmy dean.

as for sweet + savoury in british food:
coronation chicken.


There's stuff above here

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