Re: [] Cider recipes?

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Cider recipes?
Date: 10:42 on 24 Nov 2005
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 10:37:00AM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble said:
> The rest: well I'm wondering what nice things you can make with cider? 
> I know a classic tapas is chorizo in cidra.  Anything else?  I'm
> particularly thinking, with this weather, slow-cooked casseroley-type
> things.

Saute some cabbage off and then pour in some cider until it reduces then 
add a bit of cream. Lovely.

Pork chops griddled and then put in a casserole with some lightly 
sweated onions and apples (or pears might work as well).

Sausages in cider are another classic - it would also be interesting to
steam some german weiss wurst over a saucepan of cider.

Not tried but I could seek soaking a ham in cider then removing the ham, 
patting it dry, reducing the cider with some sugar and mustard to a 
thickish glaze and then rubbing that all over the ham and baking it 
would work.



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