[london.food] Crumble

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: [london.food] Crumble
Date: 11:30 on 18 Jan 2006
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:20:48AM +0000, Bob Walker wrote:

>Talking of fruit and pie like things. does anybody have any tips for making a 
>good crumble. i did one about 3 months ago and was dissapointed with the 
>crumble i felt it lacked a certain crunchyness.

Have you tried Amy's Crumb Pie? (Nobody knows who Amy was at this point,
but it's apparently important that the name be preserved.)


2oz butter
6oz demerara sugar
6oz plain flour
stewed fruit (apple or rhubarb is best)


2 bowls, at least one of them pyrex.


Put the butter, sugar and flour in the larger bowl and mix them
together until they are an even mix without lumps. (Use the largest bowl
you have for this, as the flour tends to escape.)

Put stewed fruit in the pyrex bowl.

Carefully make a layer of the "topping" over the fruit. Ideally there
should be about an inch of freeboard: the fruit _will_ expand and escape
up the edges of the top.

Put into the bottom of an oven at Gas Mark 5 for an hour, or slightly
less. (191degC, 375degF.)


There's stuff above here

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