Re: [] Mushroom and Stilton Soup

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Mushroom and Stilton Soup
Date: 22:01 on 30 Jan 2006
On 25/01/06 16:48 +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 05:21:13AM +0000, Simon Batistoni said:
> >
> I'm intrigued that you don't sweat the onion, garlic and mushroom first.
> Doesn't that make the flavour quite harsh or does banging it into the 
> stock poach them?

The time in the stock serves to poach them enough, yeah. The flavour
of the onions and the garlic doesn't come through as overly harsh,
since they have to compete with the Stilton.

Others may find it not to their taste, and may prefer to sweat the
veg. first. It might be of more use if you're not going to blenderise
the soup at the end of cooking, since you'll be eating the bits of
vegetable whole, rather than as part of the more unifrm blenderised

Or, uh, something.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 31 Jan 2006 by mariachi 0.41