Re: [] Malaysian curries

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Malaysian curries
Date: 17:42 on 25 Jan 2006
On 25/1/2006, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:

>I seem to remember that curries that had potatoes in them were often
>referred to as mosselman curries, especially in Malaysia and south-east
>South Africa.
>However I can't find a reference to this anywhere.

Spelling: Mussamun

In my experience, it's a Thai dish and, yes, it refers to being a
"Muslim" curry.  Lamb, potato and peanuts generally feature.  I
presume it comes from Southern Thailand with influences from nearby
Muslim states Malaysia and Indonesia.

(A not very muslim dish, but I once made an _excellent_ fried rice with
leftover boiled rice, leftover pork roast, soy sauce and a decent
helping of mussumun curry paste.  My Mum liked it so much she wanted the

Rev Simon Rumble <>

Generated at 00:00 on 03 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41