Re: [] Shredded Pork

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From: Natarajan Krishnaswami
Subject: Re: [] Shredded Pork
Date: 13:54 on 30 Jan 2006
On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:47:01AM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> Good Eats is a pretty good programme.  Goes into the science behind much
> of food, which is good.  It's a pity the presenter is such a twonk. 

Surely that the presenter is such a twonk(?) is entirely the point.

Also, there is a diagram of The Good Eats Custom Corrugated Vapor
Colloid Applicator (Cardboard Box Smoker) at the Food Network website:



There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41