[london.food] The cooking challenged (was: Very lazy eggs benedict)

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] The cooking challenged (was: Very lazy eggs benedict)
Date: 10:42 on 31 Jan 2006
On 31/1/2006, "Nigel Rantor" <wiggly@xxxxxx.xxx> wrote:

>My sister will be gratified to know that there are people less able in
>the kitchen than herself.

Speaking of which, what's a good way to help someone learn how to cook?

A friend of mine invited a bunch of us around for dinner.  There's only
really one thing he cooks: vegetable stir-fry (with Quorn if you're
unlucky).  Thing is, he's appalling at even this dish.  He steams the
vegetables to hell and back before "stir frying" them.  Ack!  Ever
burner he's using is on full power all the time.

So what's a nice, gentle introduction?  I've been thinking it'd make
good television, in the "What Not To Wear" mold.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon@xxxxxx.xxx>

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