Re: [] The cooking challenged

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] The cooking challenged
Date: 10:53 on 31 Jan 2006
Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> On 31/1/2006, "Nigel Rantor" <> wrote:
>>My sister will be gratified to know that there are people less able in
>>the kitchen than herself.
> Speaking of which, what's a good way to help someone learn how to cook?

Good question. I think a lot of it actually comes down to pride in what 
you're doing rather than talent/knowledge. Most things aren't that hard, 
you just have to care about doing it right.

> A friend of mine invited a bunch of us around for dinner.  There's only
> really one thing he cooks: vegetable stir-fry (with Quorn if you're
> unlucky).  Thing is, he's appalling at even this dish.  He steams the
> vegetables to hell and back before "stir frying" them.  Ack!  Ever
> burner he's using is on full power all the time.

That reminds me...I went over to someone's house at some point...

They were making stir-fry (which is why your story jogged my memory).

So, we're in the kitchen, distributing booze between people, they've got 
the veggies sitting in a colander waiting for the pan, got the meat 
already going, everything looking ok...

Most of us go sit down and chat while he finishes off the food.

When it arrives the veggies haven't seen the pan. At all.

In the end we all sat there, eating raw veggies with cooked meat and 
some weird noodles.

Whilst writing that I also recall this one...

An ex-girlfriend of mine once asked if I fancied spag-bol for dinner. I 
answered in the affirmative and proceeded to watch her get out some 
mince and this case I asked her what she thought she was 
going to do with those...when she told me she was going to make spag-bol 
using just those two items I took her out to the shops and showed her 
how to make a nice spag-bol.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41