Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict

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From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict
Date: 06:53 on 31 Jan 2006
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On 1/31/06, Marna Gilligan <> wrote:
> I do this (and I add a touch of cheap balsamic vinegar to the water
> sometimes, and that is num). But instead of dipping the egg into the
> water, I make a whirlpool and drop the egg very carefully right into the
> centre of it. (There should be no sloshing - it should plop in in one
> smooth movement right into the middle. The egg should turn into a little
> ball of white.)
> The big drawback of that method is that you really can only cook one egg
> at a time per pan. I rarely make poached eggs for more than two people.
> Scrambled eggs, otoh, I can make while hungover and confused, on two hour=
> sleep, for twelve people.

I used to do the whirlpool thing and it works well.  However, once I lost
the feeling in my fingertips I found that I was able to break eggs just
under the surface of the water without flinching.  If you can do this you
should should be able to get about 4 eggs going.  I reckon that the water
should be a rolling boil.

There's a trick to cooking lots of poached eggs.  Iced water.

You need to poach the eggs in two stages.

1.  Poach the egg as normal but remove from the boiing water before it has
cooked inside (you need to poke it with a finger and learn the feel off
it).  Put it in the iced water to instantly stop it from cooking.  Prepare
as many eggs as you need in this way.  (If you run a commercial kitchen
you'll be doing this well in advance, maybe even the night before the
breakfast service.)

2.  As you need the eggs take them from the iced water, trim the egg for
aesthetics, pop into the boiling water to poach until the required hardness
and serve piping hot.

Eggs Benedict for 8 people, 2 each, all at the same time and all hot -- no

Two beers please, my friend is paying.

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On 1/31/06, <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">Marna Gilligan</b> &lt;<a href=3D=
""></a>&gt; wrot=
e:<div><span class=3D"gmail_quote"></span><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote"=
 style=3D"border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.=
8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<br>I do this (and I add a touch of cheap balsamic vinegar to the water<br>=
sometimes, and that is num). But instead of dipping the egg into the<br>wat=
er, I make a whirlpool and drop the egg very carefully right into the<br>
centre of it. (There should be no sloshing - it should plop in in one<br>sm=
ooth movement right into the middle. The egg should turn into a little<br>b=
all of white.)<br><br>The big drawback of that method is that you really ca=
n only cook one egg
<br>at a time per pan. I rarely make poached eggs for more than two people.=
<br>Scrambled eggs, otoh, I can make while hungover and confused, on two ho=
urs<br>sleep, for twelve people.</blockquote><div><br>I used to do the whir=
lpool thing and it works well.&nbsp; However, once I
lost the feeling in my fingertips I found that I was able to break eggs
just under the surface of the water without flinching.&nbsp; If you can do
this you should should be able to get about 4 eggs going.&nbsp; I reckon
that the water should be a rolling boil.<br><br>There's a trick to cooking =
lots of poached eggs.&nbsp; Iced water.<br>
<br>You need to poach the eggs in two stages.<br><br>1.&nbsp; Poach the egg=
 as normal but remove from the boiing water before it has cooked inside (yo=
u need to poke it with a finger and learn the feel off it).&nbsp; Put it in=
 the iced water to instantly stop it from cooking.&nbsp; Prepare as many eg=
gs as you need in this way.&nbsp; (If you run a commercial kitchen you'll b=
e doing this well in advance, maybe even the night before the breakfast ser=
<br><br>2.&nbsp; As you need the eggs take them from the iced water, trim t=
he egg for aesthetics, pop into the boiling water to poach until the requir=
ed hardness and serve piping hot.<br><br><br>Eggs Benedict for 8 people, 2 =
each, all at the same time and all hot -- no problem.
<br></div></div><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Two beers please, my friend is=
 paying.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=3D"">http://figroll.=


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Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41