[london.food] Adventures with vegetables

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: [london.food] Adventures with vegetables
Date: 11:50 on 06 Feb 2006
It's years since I cooked cabbage, but there was some in my hippy veggie
box so I thought I'd have an Experiment.

I parboiled a chopped tater.  When that was nearly ready, I fried a
finely chopped medium-sized red onion and half a chopped leek in a
little sesame oil.  After a few minutes, I added some finely chopped
cabbage, the drained taters, a little more oil, some ground peanuts, a
generous handful of generic Thai spice, and after a minute or so half a
wineglass of strong cider cos it seemed like a good idea.  Cooked this
for a few minutes more, turning regularly to stop it burning (it was
very dry), while I explained fire to a nice fresh juicy tuna steak.

It was a most successful experiment.

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

Arbeit macht Alkoholiker

Generated at 00:00 on 14 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41