Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day
Date: 10:23 on 16 Feb 2006
On 16/2/2006, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:

>I might try this again at the weekend but taking a little more care over
>the proportions and sticking more closely to the recipe (i.e no

If anyone wants a _fantastic_ choc cake recipe, this one's hard to beat
from Nigella:

I've only ever made it with the orange and Cointreau.  I think without
those it might end up a bit overly chocolatey, rich and
single-flavoured.  Other flavourings might work well too, particularly
something a bit alcoholic.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:06 on 18 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41