[london.food] Ginger duck

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From: Chia-liang Kao
Subject: [london.food] Ginger duck
Date: 18:47 on 19 Feb 2006

Simon has been asking me to post on the list, and this is indeed my  
first time writing a recipe in English. :)

So this is a very popular hotpot dish in Taiwan during the winter  
time.  I just made it yesterday to warm myself up.


Ginger 600g (pick juicy and firm ones)
Fresh whole duck 1.8kg
sesame oil 100ml
Rice wine 200ml
Chinese Wolfberry 20g
Angelica sinensis (dang quai) 10g

Add-on: Tofu, fishball, chopped corn, cabbage, etc

Freeze the tofu 1 day before, so it creates little holes in the tofu  
after thawed which will soak the soup in. Chop into 5x3x1cm pieces.

Slice the duck breasts to pieces with skin, chop the legs to chunks  
with meat surronding bones.
Put in cold water and bring to boil.  Once boiled, remove bubble and  
scums and wash in cold water.

Chop gingers to the size of thumb.  Smash but keep the shape.

Put wolfberries and dangquai in 50ml rice wine for 20min.


Stirfry the gingers in a wok with half of the sesame oil for about  
10min.  Mix the duck in and keep stirfying for 5 min. Pour the rice  
wine with berries in and mix.  Pour the rest of the rice wine in.   
Simmer a bit to reduce rice wine taste to your preference.  Transfer  
to a big pot and put about 2.5~3L water and the rest of sesame oil  
in.  Boil for 1 hour with the lid.

Put all other food like the frozen tofu and fishballs in and boil for  
anoter 5-10min.

This should serve 6.  It can go with rice or noodle.

If you happen to have Kaoliang, a kind of liqour that is just like my  
name, put 2 drips in each bowl served.  This addes amazing aroma and  
leverage the spicy taste from the ginger.

Sauce A: Mix chopped fresh chilly and spicy bean curd sauce,  
soysauce.  For duck and other food cooked in the hotpot.
Sauce B: mix grounded whitepepper and Sichuan-pepper.  For duck.


Generated at 00:04 on 01 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41