Re: [] Ginger duck

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Ginger duck
Date: 13:22 on 23 Feb 2006
On Sun 19 Feb 2006, Chia-liang Kao <> wrote:
> sesame oil 100ml

I assume this isn't the toasted sesame oil but the lighter, less
strong-tasting stuff?

> Chinese Wolfberry 20g
> Angelica sinensis (dang quai) 10g

Where can we get these in London?  I think I've seen things with dang
quai in in health food shops, but those were dietary supplements (ie
pills bulked out with Stuff(TM)) rather than something you'd want to
put in your dinner.

> Freeze the tofu 1 day before, so it creates little holes in the tofu  
> after thawed which will soak the soup in. Chop into 5x3x1cm pieces.

I like frozen-and-thawed tofu too.  I never find that a day is long
enough though.

> Stirfry the gingers in a wok with half of the sesame oil for about  
> 10min.  Mix the duck in and keep stirfying for 5 min. Pour the rice  
> wine with berries in and mix.  Pour the rest of the rice wine in.   
> Simmer a bit to reduce rice wine taste to your preference.  Transfer  
> to a big pot and put about 2.5~3L water and the rest of sesame oil  
> in.  Boil for 1 hour with the lid.

Boil or simmer?  I wonder if this would be good done in a slow cooker.

> If you happen to have Kaoliang, a kind of liqour that is just like my  
> name, put 2 drips in each bowl served.  This addes amazing aroma and  
> leverage the spicy taste from the ginger.

Congratulations; I've never seen the word "leverage" in a recipe before :)


Generated at 00:04 on 01 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41