Re: [] Ginger duck

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Ginger duck
Date: 13:24 on 23 Feb 2006
On Sun 19 Feb 2006, Chia-liang Kao <> wrote:
>> Freeze the tofu 1 day before, so it creates little holes in the tofu  
>> after thawed which will soak the soup in. Chop into 5x3x1cm pieces.

On Thu 23 Feb 2006, Kake L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> I like frozen-and-thawed tofu too.  I never find that a day is long
> enough though.

Oh, I forgot to say - another way to make tofu more willing to soak up
flavours is to fry it _before_ you marinade it/put it in sauce or soup.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:04 on 01 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41