[london.food] bream with a green masala. bonus aubergine dish

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: [london.food] bream with a green masala. bonus aubergine dish
Date: 08:38 on 28 Feb 2006
A long time ago in an edition of Floyd's India floyd did fish rubbed with 
a red masala. Inspired by this i did bream with a green masala.

First i had to work out how to make a masala. After ooking on the magical
interweb i determined that bascially masalas were any old collection of 
spices mixed up to make a paste. So thats what i did.

Masala Ingredients:
a large handful of coriander
black mustard seeds
couple of bits of cinnanamon bark
fennel seeds
cumin seeds
5-10 cardomun pods
several cloves
a couple of very small bits of dried habaneros
Fresh ginger.
A knob of butter.

Roughly chop the ginger and corainder. Put in a blender. blend a bit
whilst doing that throw the dry spices on a hot frying pan and warm them. 
wait till lots of them are popping. place them in the blender. blend a bit
add the butter. blend some more. blend until you have a coarse paste.

(I had intended to add soem lemon as well but forgot)

Then get you fish. I had 3 Gilt-Headed Bream from the local fishmongers 
who had cleaned them for me but had left the head on.

Take a fish. Make 3 deep cuts on side. Apply masala making sure to work it 
into the cuts. Spread all over the skin. Repeat on the other side. put 
some of the masala in the cavity. making sure to spread it around.
place on a baking tray.

repeat with the other fish. putting any leftover masala in the cavities

place the tray in preheatred oven at 180C for 15 minutes. They were 
possibly done then but i had other things cooking and the skin wasnt that 
crispy yet. So I raised the temp to 200C and left them there for anohter 
15 minutes.

I served this with an Aubergine thing possibly a ratatouile

2 aubergines
almost a pound of mushrooms
5 tomatoes
Garlie puree

Cut the aubergines in half and then cut into 1cm bits. Put in a frying pan 
with olive oil. Cut the mushrooms in half. put in frying pan. after 10 
minutes add a good squeeze or two of garlic puree. Cut the tomatoes into 
quarters. Put in after 15 minutes. Season. Cook for another 15 minutes.

Bob Walker
watch out for the attack armadillos!

Generated at 00:02 on 05 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41