Re: [] Scales

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Scales
Date: 20:51 on 06 Mar 2006
On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 08:45:40PM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:

>So, any recommendations for kitchen scales that will go up to - say -
>5lb, in readable 0.5oz increments?  It needs to be that accurate at
>least over the first four ounces.  If it loses resolution higher up the
>scale I don't really mind.

I use a simple old-fashioned _balance_, rather than spring-scales. They
have binary weights from I think 1/4oz (might be 1/8oz) to 2lb (so I can
measure up to just-under-4lb in one go). They work. I seem to remember
they cost a bit, but they're well worth it. No electricity needed, and
they'll even work under different gravity should that be a


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