Re: [] Local Goose Master

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Local Goose Master
Date: 17:06 on 15 Mar 2006
On 15/3/2006, "Nigel Rantor" <> wrote:

>In other news, my local Sainsbury's Local has me totally foxed, I don't
>understand the logic they use to decide what to stock.

You've got the problem around the wrong way.  They don't decide what to
stock based on what you, the customer, want.  They base it on the
1) Profit margin
2) How much is the supplier willing to pay for the shelf space

Evidently someone is trying to move some goose fat, and prepared to pay
for the space.

I've always found British supermarkets to be somewhat reminiscent of
Soviet shops.  They stock what they stock, and the shelves are regularly
bare.  Just try to buy ANY fresh fruit and veg from the big Tesco in
Kennington after 17:00 on a weeknight.

Generated at 00:02 on 18 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41