Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)

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From: Nik Clayton
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)
Date: 11:11 on 17 Mar 2006
Russell Joanne (ST) wrote:
> Ocado does a lovely delivery and gorgeous items for only 75% more than you'd
> pay anywhere else. 

When I started using Ocado about 5 months ago I did a comparison shop 
between their site and Tesco.

On a ~ GBP 90 order, which is about typical for this house for a week, 
Tesco worked out about GBP 7 cheaper.  But then they lost most of that 
advantage by wanting a GBP 5 delivery charge.  At which point I decided 
that Ocado's quality and better website were worth the difference.

What is handy is that once you've signed up to these sites they get 
increasingly desperate to keep you as a customer.  If you don't use them 
for a few weeks (say you've been on holiday) they start e-mailing you 
money off vouchers, or "Order before <date> and we'll throw in two 
bottles of wine".


There's stuff above here

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