Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)
Date: 11:21 on 17 Mar 2006
On 17/3/2006, "Nik Clayton" <> wrote:

>On a ~ GBP 90 order, which is about typical for this house for a week,

Lordy, how many people in the house?  We spend ~=A315/week on groceries
(food, toileteries and cleaning products) and another =A310 for fruit and
veg.  Meat is bought ad-hoc from the local (and excellent) butcher up
the street.

The fruit and veg is from the local market, my Saturday morning ritual.=20
It's North End Road, Fulham.  Anyone in the area should check it out.=20
I think it's the best ordinary market (as opposed to fancy-schmancy
foodie or farmer's market) I've found in London.

Groceries from Scummerfield, which is cheap 'n' cheerful but at least
tends to have products on the shelf.  14p tins of EU-subsidy tomatoes
are a real winner.

That's a two-person household though.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 23 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41