Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)
Date: 11:32 on 17 Mar 2006
On 17 Mar 2006, at 1111, Nik Clayton wrote:
> When I started using Ocado about 5 months ago I did a comparison =20
> shop between their site and Tesco.
> On a ~ GBP 90 order, which is about typical for this house for a =20
> week, Tesco worked out about GBP 7 cheaper.  But then they lost =20
> most of that advantage by wanting a GBP 5 delivery charge.  At =20
> which point I decided that Ocado's quality and better website were =20
> worth the difference.

I did the same last night - the Ocado shop was =A364 and the Tesco one =20=

=A349 - however this is partly because Ocado had a few things that I =20
needed, which Tesco didn't have. This added an extra =A37-8 to the =20
bill, so the real difference is only around =A38. And I know the driver =20=

will come on time and not screw up.

I really like the feature (both sites have this) where you can write =20
a list in a text editor and then copy and paste into the site, and it =20=

will search for all the items for you. Ocado's implementation is =20
better though.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 23 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41