Re: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano

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From: Kay Wistow
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano
Date: 11:53 on 10 Apr 2006
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Don't mean to be picky, but what is "I served it with Turkish pressed
slathered with garlic butter ......"?

Did anyone else see Saturday kitchen and in particular Rick Stein's squ=
salad.  If so has anybody roasted rice before?  I was intrigued presume=
was raw rice as he crushed in a pestle and mortar after roasting.  Also=

want to try the dressing equal parts of chopped chilli and lemon grass,=

bathed in lime juice.


                      simon@xxxxxxxxxx.x                               =
                      rg                       To:   
                                               cc:                     =
                      10/04/2006 11:55            Subject:     [london.=
food] [RECIPE] Aubergine       
                      Tel :                      Parmigiano            =

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:55:47 +0100
Subject: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano

I had an impromptu invasion of vegetarians last night after all the
super markets had close so I was forced (oh, aidez moi) to go the
fantastic Turkish deli nearby. Limited ingredients and not that cheap
but their deli foods are sooooo tasty.

I cheated and bought their (previous rapsodised I believe) griddled and=

marinade aubergine (about 20 slices) and 3 large balls of mozarella.

I layered the aubergine, poured over shop bought arrabiata sauce then
fresh basil leaves, slices of mozarella and then sprinklings of
parmesan. Then I repeated and topped off with breadcrumbs.

The nice thing was I  made it in advance and the settled down to a
"Return to River Cottage" marathon until they arrived.

I served it with turkish pressed slathered with garlic butter and then
baked, and a salda of endive, red oak lettuce and rocket with a lemon

And a fantastic red durif/shiraz called Black Stump. Get it if you can.=

It was, and I don't mean to blow my own trumpet here, fantastic my one
complaint is that by using arrabiata that was a slightly vinegar taste
to tomato sauce. The only alternative in the shop (bar making my own of=

course but I was being lazy) was a passata that was a little too watery=
Of course I could have reduced that down but again with the laziness.

In a way this doesn't really deserve to be called a 'recipe' in that it=
so simple but it was very good and perfect for a slightly damp Sunday



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<p>Don't mean to be picky, but what is &quot;<font face=3D"Arial">I ser=
ved it with Turkish pressed slathered with garlic butter </font>......&=
Did anyone else see Saturday kitchen and in particular Rick Stein's squ=
id salad.  If so has anybody roasted rice before?  I was intrigued pres=
ume it was raw rice as he crushed in a pestle and mortar after roasting=
.  Also want to try the dressing equal parts of chopped chilli and lemo=
n grass, bathed in lime juice.<br>
<img src=3D"cid:10__=3D0FBBFBDFDFA8DE128f9e@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx" width=3D=
"16" height=3D"16" alt=3D"Inactive hide details for simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xx=

<table V5DOTBL=3Dtrue width=3D"100%" border=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" cel=
<tr valign=3D"top"><td width=3D"1%"><img src=3D"cid:20__=3D0FBBFBDFDFA8=
DE128f9e@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx" border=3D"0" height=3D"1" width=3D"72" al=
</td><td style=3D"background-image:url(cid:30__=3D0FBBFBDFDFA8DE128f9e@=; background-repeat: no-repeat; " width=3D"1%"><img=
 src=3D"cid:20__=3D0FBBFBDFDFA8DE128f9e@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx" border=3D"=
0" height=3D"1" width=3D"235" alt=3D""><br>

<ul><b><font size=3D"2"></font></b>
<p><font size=3D"2">10/04/2006 11:55</font><br>
<font size=3D"2">Tel :</font></ul>
</td><td width=3D"100%"><img src=3D"cid:20__=3D0FBBFBDFDFA8DE128f9e@nor=" border=3D"0" height=3D"1" width=3D"1" alt=3D""><br>
<font size=3D"1" face=3D"Arial">	</font><br>
<font size=3D"2">	To:	</font><font size=3D"2">
<font size=3D"2">	cc:	</font><br>
<font size=3D"2">	   Subject:	</font><font size=3D"2">[] [RE=
CIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">From:</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">To:</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:55:47 +0100</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">Subject: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigia=
<font face=3D"Arial">I had an impromptu invasion of vegetarians last ni=
ght after all the</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">super markets had close so I was forced (oh, aidez=
 moi) to go the</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">fantastic Turkish deli nearby. Limited ingredients=
 and not that cheap</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">but their deli foods are sooooo tasty.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">I cheated and bought their (previous rapsodised I =
believe) griddled and</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">marinade aubergine (about 20 slices) and 3 large b=
alls of mozarella.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">I layered the aubergine, poured over shop bought a=
rrabiata sauce then</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">fresh basil leaves, slices of mozarella and then s=
prinklings of</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">parmesan. Then I repeated and topped off with brea=
<font face=3D"Arial">The nice thing was I  made it in advance and the s=
ettled down to a</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">&quot;Return to River Cottage&quot; marathon until=
 they arrived.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">I served it with turkish pressed slathered with ga=
rlic butter and then</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">baked, and a salda of endive, red oak lettuce and =
rocket with a lemon</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">dressing.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">And a fantastic red durif/shiraz called Black Stum=
p. Get it if you can.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial"><a href=3D"
<font face=3D"Arial">It was, and I don't mean to blow my own trumpet he=
re, fantastic my one</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">complaint is that by using arrabiata that was a sl=
ightly vinegar taste</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">to tomato sauce. The only alternative in the shop =
(bar making my own of</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">course but I was being lazy) was a passata that wa=
s a little too watery.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">Of course I could have reduced that down but again=
 with the laziness.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">In a way this doesn't really deserve to be called =
a 'recipe' in that its</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">so simple but it was very good and perfect for a s=
lightly damp Sunday</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">evening.</font><br>
<font face=3D"Arial">Simon</font><br>


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