Re: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano

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From: sprofita
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano
Date: 17:12 on 10 Apr 2006
I didn't see Saturday kitchen but I've got the Rick Stein cook book it's 
from. "Fruits of Rick's Seaside Fish World" or something .

I have done the rice thing and it works, you get a nice crunchy nut texture. 
You need pin point timing when rosting the rice though and a proper thick 
frying pan. A millisecond too soon and it's torched.


Quoting Kay Wistow <Kay.Wistow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx>:

> Don't mean to be picky, but what is "I served it with Turkish pressed
> slathered with garlic butter ......"?
> Did anyone else see Saturday kitchen and in particular Rick Stein's squid
> salad.  If so has anybody roasted rice before?  I was intrigued presume it
> was raw rice as he crushed in a pestle and mortar after roasting.  Also
> want to try the dressing equal parts of chopped chilli and lemon grass,
> bathed in lime juice.
> Kay
>                       simon@xxxxxxxxxx.x                               
>                       rg                       To:      
>                                                cc:                     
>                       10/04/2006 11:55            Subject:     []
> [RECIPE] Aubergine
>                       Tel :                      Parmigiano            
> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:55:47 +0100
> Subject: [] [RECIPE] Aubergine Parmigiano
> I had an impromptu invasion of vegetarians last night after all the
> super markets had close so I was forced (oh, aidez moi) to go the
> fantastic Turkish deli nearby. Limited ingredients and not that cheap
> but their deli foods are sooooo tasty.
> I cheated and bought their (previous rapsodised I believe) griddled and
> marinade aubergine (about 20 slices) and 3 large balls of mozarella.
> I layered the aubergine, poured over shop bought arrabiata sauce then
> fresh basil leaves, slices of mozarella and then sprinklings of
> parmesan. Then I repeated and topped off with breadcrumbs.
> The nice thing was I  made it in advance and the settled down to a
> "Return to River Cottage" marathon until they arrived.
> I served it with turkish pressed slathered with garlic butter and then
> baked, and a salda of endive, red oak lettuce and rocket with a lemon
> dressing.
> And a fantastic red durif/shiraz called Black Stump. Get it if you can.
> It was, and I don't mean to blow my own trumpet here, fantastic my one
> complaint is that by using arrabiata that was a slightly vinegar taste
> to tomato sauce. The only alternative in the shop (bar making my own of
> course but I was being lazy) was a passata that was a little too watery.
> Of course I could have reduced that down but again with the laziness.
> In a way this doesn't really deserve to be called a 'recipe' in that its
> so simple but it was very good and perfect for a slightly damp Sunday
> evening.
> Simon

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