Re: [] Konnyaku

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Konnyaku
Date: 21:27 on 04 Jun 2006
On 4 Jun 2006, at 20:57, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> This one time, at band camp, Kake L Pugh wrote:
>> (No need to suggest Oriental City unless you're sure they sell it -
>> I'm going to make a trip there at some point soon in any case, so can
>> take a look.)
> Weird.  I think I've had this in the little plastic cups.

Yes, I've had those.  There was a spate of toddlers choking to death on 
the things in the US a while back.  I've also had it in the form of 
shirashi noodles in sukiyaki.  It's a bit like agar jelly, really.

> There's a good Japanese/Korean store at the base of Centrepoint if
> Tottenham Court Road is more convenient than Colindale.

I would also recommend trying the Japan Centre on Piccadilly -- it's 
fairly likely that they will have this stuff.  And if you find shirashi 
noodles while you are there, let me know as I could definitely fill mah 
belleh with sukiyaki right about now. (Or if anyone knows of anywhere 
in London that serves such a thing...)


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