Re: [] Konnyaku

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Konnyaku
Date: 15:30 on 05 Jun 2006
On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 08:57:53PM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> There's a good Japanese/Korean store at the base of Centrepoint if 
> Tottenham Court Road is more convenient than Colindale.  Can't vouch for 
> them having this stuff though.

There's also a couple of Japanese-looking places at the eastern end of
Piccadilly.  I've not been in them, only walked past, so I can't be sure
whether they sell ingredients or just packaged stuff, but it's worth
trying them.

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator Of The World

      Blessed are the pessimists, for they test their backups

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