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Re: ::scr Towards a better text editor

* Richard Clamp (richardc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Again you're already muddling all the types of text into one.  Editing
> mail messages != editing code 

Yeah, but at some point you hit reductio ad absurdum with this,
you have a special program to edit mail, code, letters to your
granny, fan fiction, etc. 

you need your base tools (in the UNIX philosophy) to be reasonably
general purpose, i think editing text is a one such tool

> != editing structured data.

and editing XML or structured data is a different one, but
we are probably not talking about it at the minute

> > I use nano, a Gnu Pico clone, which other people thinks suck.
> I think it's a fine tool for the job, when the job is composing


I'm not going to debate editor vs. editor here, its a dull conversation,
bad simon for making this the first thread


Greg McCarroll