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Re: ::scr The Geek Syndrome

Following-up to my own post.  BAD Dave.

On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 01:02:18PM +0000, I wrote:
> It always amazes me how many people have all these new diseases.  You woulda
> thunk that if such things actually existed people would have noticed them
> a long time ago.  Like nut allergies, for example...

to clarify, I'm quite aware that as the boundaries of knowledge extend, we
will find new, exciting, and real ways to get ill.  However, I question
whether something as allegedly-common and allegedly-dangerous can suddenly
appear in our midst without warning.  So, in the case of nut allergies,
whilst we may not have understood the reason, we would have noticed the
symptoms, and found the underlying cause *if* this disease is as widespread
and dangerous as people think.  I'm guessing that many - maybe most - of
the people who suffer from it only *think* that they suffer from it because
they heard of it and because they were ill once shortly after eating dodgy
food containing nuts.

me? grumpy?

David Cantrell | david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

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