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Re: ::scr The Geek Syndrome

From: "jo walsh" <jo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> chris ball wrote:
> > I'm not at all dyslexic.  I've certainly found many dyslexics who are
> > far better programmers than myself, though.
> a friend of mine has a wonderfully dyslexic brother who is now doing a PhD
> in hyperheuristics, whatever that is. he once talked of playing 'rushon
> rullet' on a mailing list, perhaps he just doesnt care about spelling or
> grammar as long as he makes sense.

ObBanks: sounding very much like the character in Feersum Endjinn, for my
money. is that fellow alleged to be dyslexic? I forget.

point: how easy did you find the phonetically written parts of that book to
read, if you have indeed read it? personally, I had few problems with it,
and didn't find it much of an effort at all. whether that means anything
whatsoever, I couldn't say, but I know I'm not dyslexic in any way - my
typos are usually caused by too much haste or wine.

* clive at clivemurray dot com
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* "are you ok man? your eyes are blazin'..." -- buckcherry