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Re: ::scr Drooling GUI

On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 01:14:22PM +0000, Paul Mison wrote:
> A lot of people do work like this, and in fact the software seems to
> encourage it. Start up Office on a PC, and Word will probably maximise
> to fill the window, and if it doesn't, you'll probably need to to see
> stuff, and that goes double for Excel. I find a lot of the time when
> I'm borrowing Wistow's laptop that IE windows are set to open
> maximised. iTunes is only usable for browsing when it more or less
> fills the screen, and iPhoto demands lots of space too. I can only name
> a few apps that are really happy as small multiple windows, come to
> think of it, and most of those are Mac-based (but then, so am I).

I've seen a lot of inexperienced users who obviously aren't clear
on the fact that more than one application is open at a time, and

1) Open an application, do some work

2) Open another application to do something else.

3) Want to do another task in the first application, involving what
they were already doing, and will open a new copy of the first
application to work on it.

4) Look confused when everything falls over due to having dozens
of copies of the same application open.
