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Re: ::scr IA Goldrush (was Ramblings of a Classic Refugee)

An obvious side effect was the broken back button, but cut & paste was
also broken, normal right-click contextual menus were also broken. Have
they finally gotten Flash to blend in cleanly? If not then it still
hasn't been fixed yet -- which would be too bad, because if it *did* just
Blend In, then all my objections to Flash would dissolve at a stroke.

I've no idea how cleanly blended in it is - it's not out yet so all there is to go on is Marketing hype / Webmonkey's sneaky peak (marketing via other means).

I wouldn't have bothered responding as I think the broken back button is a non-issue. It's borken/confusing enough in many browsers. What behaviour should a user expect when confronted with frames? Plus cutting and pasting is often borken in browsers by applying certain bits of CSS whilst Flash 5 saw the introduction of cut and pastable text (if the author desires it) yadder yadder enough already. The reason I am replying is to highlight part of the puff for Watson:

"The dreaded browser back and reload buttons? We left them out too! With most Watson plug-ins, web data auto-updates without the pointless page re-rendering of a browser!"

See. You're coming from an oldskool antique web user / programmer perspective (and yes, I am down with that) but that's not what "ordinary" people want according to the research that Watson's creators must have carried out.