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Re: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

"Simon Kinahan" <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>Piers Cawley writes
>> Are the people who reject Whiteread's House, Picasso's
>> Guernica, Hirst's Shark and everything Tracy Emin has ever done
>> ignorant in the same way as those who don't see the beauty in a
>> satisfying proof? Or are they just idiotic reactionary boors who see
>> the world through Daily Mail (or, ghod help us, Metro) coloured
>> glasses? You decide.
> Hmmm ... Is it not also possible that Tracy Emin's work really has
> no value, and those who pretend to believe it does are just
> pretentious twits ? It is, of course, possible that I just don't
> have the way of seeing required to appreciate it, but it is hard to
> see what value there is in moving your unmade bed into an art
> gallery. 

The unmade bed thing was definitely dodgy, but the "Everyone I've ever
slept with" tent was fantastic. I get the really strong feeling that
the unmade bed was her taking the piss when she was asked to do an

> This view is not confined to techies either - plenty of "arty
> people" seem to agree. I can see what's going on with all the
> others, but I don't finnd Hirst's shark to be exactly beautiful.

I'm not a fan of Hirst at all, but I wouldn't make the claim that what
he does isn't art.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?