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RE: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

> Born with more fast / slow twitch fibres? Could you point me in
> the direction of the evidence?

I picked that xample because it happened to be mentioned in an article in
new scientist that I read on my way in to work this morning.  Unfortunatly
it is not availible online unless you are a subscriber to the magazine.  A
minorparagraph in the rticle says that while training can alter the mix of
the two types no training regime yet discovered can overcome the strong
genetic predisposition

> I know that, the long distance runner will have more slow twitch,  and
> the sprinter more fast twitch. But this is because muscle tissue adapts
> to the stresses placed upon it.
> Look at the gold medal winning atheletes with Asthma. In theory, they
> have a natural disadvantage, but they somehow won.
> Oh yes, play to your strengths... but limitations....why?
> And think of the MILLIONS of people who, due to setting limits in front
> of themselves never find their true vocation.
> How many Einstein's, Van Gogh's, Newton's, Shakespears have we lost
> because they were discouraged at the start?

I agree that it is a great tragedy when someone fails to fulfil their true
potential but I believe that it is a rare occurence that someone who could
be great at a particular field is discouraged because they believe that
they are no good.  Much more often it will be that the facilities for them
to excel simply do not exist and the opertunity is not given to them.  You
should try everything that is available to you but you should be able to
quickly tell which you are going to be good at.

We have only a finite time upon this earth and no-one can put in the hours
of training to become a top class athlete and work long hours to be a
succesfull buisnesman and create great works of art and develop complex
theories of the universe.  It is best to pick a field you will excel at and
concentrate upon it.
We only have a finite time in this wor