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RE: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Stevens [mailto:mstevens@xxxxxxxx]

> Taking a hypothetical example, if we find, through detailed knowledge
> of the human brain, that certain problems can only be solved by people
> with certain brain structures, which we can easily detect, isn't
> it good to know that, and for people without those structure to
> never expect to be able to solve those problems, no matter how hard
> they try, and to be able to focus on areas in which they can achieve?
> Michael

But how is that type of brain structure achieved? Is your brain fully formed
when you are born?
How much is nature, how much is nurture...?

And then, even if twenty thousand people who solve that problem have a
simmilar (since it 
could never be the same) brain structure, there could be someone with an
entirely different brain
who can also solve that problem, in a different way.