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RE: ::scr DNA

It would appear that, on Thu, 9 May 2002, Dan Argent said:

> I may be behind the times, but is there any such colour PDA that'll do
> that, and dispay the pages correctly, but is not a big chunky
> expensive pocket pc?

I've had an m100 for quite a while and it's pretty good despite being 
monochrome and using alkaline batteries. The m130 solves both of those 
minor gripes - oh, and has an SD media slot too. 

Plucker does pretty much what you wanted (grabs a bunch of pages for
offline viewing)  and PalmOS is *much* better IMHO than
PocketPC/WinCE/Whatever it's called now

 . johnmc@ | hyperattractive.net - +1-408-985-7992 (home) .
 . http:// | johnmc.org          - +1-408-386-3549 (cell) .
 .  not vicious or malicious - just lovely and delicious  .