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Re: ::scr removing the wuh-wuh-wuh

* at 20/05 12:45 +0100 Simon Wistow said:
> I've been reading some usability, HCI and IA books recently to try and
> supplement the course I did in college and some of the anecdotes about
> usability testing and the actions of users is, umm, frightening (?)

Given the number of complaints we have if we redesign navigation on
our sites I can believe this. Even if you make the navigation more
logical it differs from the users learned behaviour so they can't find
things anymore.

I think part of the problem with the domain system is that many
portals try and hide that from people (the controlling what they see
approach) so people aren't made aware of it, or if they are then it's
waved over with mutterings about it being a techy thing adn you shoudl
just use $portal which hides that from you.  But then this is true for
many of computer related woes out there.
