Re: [] Bacon grease

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Bacon grease
Date: 09:49 on 14 Aug 2003
On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 08:51:54PM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> I've been doing bacon in a ridged pan on top of the stove.  I prefer
> back bacon, but Richard and Mark have a freezer stash of streaky.
> I've noticed that the streaky bacon gives off quite a lot of fat and
> was wondering if there's any way of using this to flavour other stuff.
> I mean, it comes out of bacon; it must have flavour, right?  Any hints?

Yes. Pour the grease through a sieve into a nice pot or bowl and then 
cover it and stick it in the fridge. It'll seperate out and thicken and 
is lovely for cooking things like Yorkshire Pudding and onions. And 
mexican food, bizarrely. 

I also like it on toast, with salt.

Mum used to have a small bowl of it in the fridge unless memory fails 

Just keep topping it up. I think it keeps for a couple of weeks. 

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