Re: [] sauteed potatoes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] sauteed potatoes
Date: 22:01 on 20 Aug 2003
> Simon Wistow wrote:
> >I cannot sautee potatoes. There. I've said it. It's out in the open. I 
> >seem congenitally unable to do them properly.

Until now! 

I just did my first, good, tasty, perfect, like-mom-makes sauteed 
potatoes. Damn they were good!

I'm also getting the hang of sausages. I have a particular liking for 
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference range which I do briefly on a medium 
hot Le Creuset griddle pan (about 3-5 minutes each size to get the sear 
marks) and then whack the whole thing into a medium hot oven to finish 
them off. 

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 09:36:17PM +0100, David Cantrell said: 
> Talking of potatoes, what, exactly, is salzkartofle (sp?)?  When I was 
> in Slovakia, it was on the German versions of all the menus, and I'm 
> told it means "boiled potatoes".  But it wasn't.  It was slightly oily 
> and seemed to have been infused with a subtle spiciness.

If they're the same things I've been thinking off then they're a bit 
like the potatoes you get with 'Eire mit Speck und Kartofle' which is my 
favourite food when skiing. 

Basically it's the same type of potatoes that you're talking about with 
about 6 rashers of bacon and 3 eggs all fried together on top. It's 

As I understand it the way to make the potatoes is to boil them very 
gently for 10 minutes with some dried junpier berries (probably in a 
bag for easy removal) and then fried them very briefly in some oil and a 
pinch of paprika. 

I could be wrong.


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