Re: [] sauteed potatoes

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From: Chris Heathcote
Subject: Re: [] sauteed potatoes
Date: 22:44 on 20 Aug 2003
I'm gonna take a different view to everyone else, and go with Nigel 
Slater's Tartafin. OK, sauteeing should result in crispy edge, and this 
does (slightly). OK, different product, but you will loves me/have a 
heart attack.

"For 2, with the accompaniments below

450g/1lb waxy potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
50g/2oz butter
100g/4ox semi-soft or easy-melting cheese, such as Gruyere, Port-Salut, 
Camembert, Taleggio or, for authenticity, Reblochon

Scrub the potatoes and slice them thinly, no thicker than pound coins. 
Peel and slice the garlic and cook it slowly, in a large saute pan, in 
the olive oil and butter until fragrant and pale gold.
Lay the potatoes in the pan, cover with a lid and cook over a low heat 
for 20 minutes till you can push a sharp knife through the layers with 
little resistance...
Slice the cheese and layer on top of the potatoes. Cover and cook again 
for a couple of minutes till the cheese has started to melt.
Eat immediately.

When served with sliced charcuterie, gherkins, olives and bread, this 
is one thing I would rather eat than almost anything else."

Tho' Nigel says that about lots of things.

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