[london.food] Chinese takeaway

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Chinese takeaway
Date: 23:39 on 26 Sep 2003
What are your favourite Chinese takeaway dishes and why do you like
them?  I'm specifying takeaway here rather than dishes you'd order in
a restaurant.  Things that don't mind travelling.  Things to eat
curled up on the sofa in front of a film safe in the knowledge that
any leftovers will be good the next day too.

May as well say where you buy them from too - we live all over London
but some of us live close to each other.

Tonight I am liking sea spice aubergine.  It's soft-fried aubergine
strips with red chillies, fried onions, green pepper strips, and
shreds of seaweed.  It loses nothing at all in reheating.  It works as
a main dish or a side dish to share.  I like aubergines pretty well-done
and the sea spiced aubergines are so.

I've had it from many places but this is the remains of a takeaway we
had last night from the China Inn:


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