Re: [] Chinese takeaway

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Chinese takeaway
Date: 09:29 on 28 Sep 2003
On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:39:48PM +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>What are your favourite Chinese takeaway dishes and why do you like
>them?  I'm specifying takeaway here rather than dishes you'd order in
>a restaurant.  Things that don't mind travelling.  Things to eat
>curled up on the sofa in front of a film safe in the knowledge that
>any leftovers will be good the next day too.

Most things. Lemon chicken, because it's a great guide to a new place
(need to get the right balance of sharpness in the lemon sauce); house
special rice (or whatever the equivalent is for that particular place),
basically rice plus whatever's left over from the night - best just
before closing time, obviously; and I've recently taken a perverse
liking to stir fried beef with tomato.

>May as well say where you buy them from too - we live all over London
>but some of us live close to each other.

Mostly Lucky Star on the Barking Road.

And anything from the Kingfisher in Lee Green, the best Chinese takeaway
I've ever been to. I used to live round the corner from it; now I drive
for twenty minutes to get there once in a while.

For nostalgia value, I really ought to go back to Taste of China on the
Hackney Road. Before I got dotcommed, I was going there once a week for
the smoked shredded chicken with salt pepper and chilli; they were
making it a little hotter each time, but the employer folded before I
could find out where it would have ended. :-) It's probably not even
there any more.


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