Re: [] Chinese takeaway

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Chinese takeaway
Date: 11:34 on 28 Sep 2003
On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 11:39:48PM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> What are your favourite Chinese takeaway dishes and why do you like
> them?  I'm specifying takeaway here rather than dishes you'd order in
> a restaurant.  Things that don't mind travelling.  Things to eat
> curled up on the sofa in front of a film safe in the knowledge that
> any leftovers will be good the next day too.

Ribs, beef in black bean or oyster sauce, szechaun chicken, anything 
with salt, pepper and chilli (particularly squid) - the usual. 

My favourite psot-pub snack at the moment is ...

1 or 2 tsp of Mrs Bassa's Chilli and Garlic Sauce
2 cloves of garlic finely diced
splash of rice vinegar
splash of sesame oil
some groundnut oil

shake it all up in a jar or something till it emulses, get a wok hot and 
then toss in some pine nuts until they start to toast. Then tip in the 
sauce, stire briskly for a bit and then chuck in some of those Straight 
to Wok udon stire fry till they start to catch and get a couple of brown 
patchs and then consume. Lovely noodley bliss.


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