Re: [] Fish stew

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From: Robert / Elizabeth Fusina
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew
Date: 14:58 on 11 Oct 2003
>On Sun 05 Oct 2003, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina <> wrote:
>>  Um, Hi. Roger told me about this group, and I have been lurking for a while.
>Hi Elizabeth!  Welcome to the group.
>>  Add the fish toward the end, as it doesn't take a lot to cook it
>>  through-probably ten minutes at the most, and fish is not better for
>>  overcooking. Or cook the stew in the oven, where you don't have to
>>  stir it.
>Thanks, those sound very sensible.  Now all I need to do is work out
>what kind of fish to put in the stew.  I have salmon, tuna, plaice,
>John Dory, haddock, monkfish and sea bass.

I'm lucky that my kids love fish, and will try just about anything 
with fish in it. (Err, scaly fish, not anything else, so my shrimp is 
still safe--although my son tried some just recently.)

I don't particularly care for salmon, (Mum made salmon loaf--a very 
dry meatloaf type thing with tinned salmon in--scarred me for life it 
did) but I like most white fleshed fish. Plaice, haddock, and sea 
bass would all be very nice in fish stew.

Ah, here is recipe that I like, and the kids ate-well, let's just say 
I didn't have any leftovers...

Mtuzi Wa Samki (Kenyan Baked Fish with Spicy Sauce)

4 Halibut steaks (about two pounds) But I used what is available in 
the local grocery, what I call, generically, white fish.

2 tbl vege oil
1 large onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic (or more, if you like garlic)
1 tsp. seeded and finely chopped jalapeno chili (I used the whole 
thing, but I like stuff hot.)
16 ounce can tomatoes (hah. Tomatoes in the US come in a 15.5 ounce 
can) drained and diced-I think I just used fresh tomatoes (ah, I 
didn't peel them), it was easier than chopping canned tomatoes.
2 tbl cider vinegar
1 1/4 tsp. ground cumin
3/4 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 350F. Put the fish in an ungreased baking pan-pretty 
good sized, as you will be putting everything in it. In a skillet 
heat the oil until it is very hot, saute onion, garlic and jalapeno 
until the onion is transparent. Stir in everything else on the list, 
simmer uncovered about five minutes. Pour the sauce over the fish, 
bake 25 to 30 minutes.

Serve with rice, couscous, or bulgur wheat.


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