Re: [] Fish stew

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew
Date: 07:33 on 11 Oct 2003
On Sun 05 Oct 2003, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina <> wrote:
> Um, Hi. Roger told me about this group, and I have been lurking for a while.

Hi Elizabeth!  Welcome to the group.

> Add the fish toward the end, as it doesn't take a lot to cook it 
> through-probably ten minutes at the most, and fish is not better for 
> overcooking. Or cook the stew in the oven, where you don't have to 
> stir it.

Thanks, those sound very sensible.  Now all I need to do is work out
what kind of fish to put in the stew.  I have salmon, tuna, plaice,
John Dory, haddock, monkfish and sea bass.


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