Re: [] Fish stew

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew
Date: 12:12 on 26 Oct 2003
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina wrote:

> Mtuzi Wa Samki (Kenyan Baked Fish with Spicy Sauce)

I tried this last night, adding in Kake's suggestion of some red peppers -
it was very nice and got the Glutton's Seal of Approval from my brother
and his fiancee.

However, I have little clue about different kinds of fish - is there any
great difference in flavour/texture/etc between cod, halibut and haddock
(i used the last 2 in my stew), and what other white fishies are their out
there that are good for stews and things?

billy (who is experimenting with making sweet things this week while off
work - baklava down so far, and tiffin next on the list)

...and since Bessie's butt is poised on the black hole's event
horizon where time stops, we'll always have a memento of her.
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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